
How to get Qactus?

We have something to tell you if you are not living in Japan now and interested in our product

This product, "Qactus" is available on AMAZON.CO.JP (Japan).
However, it will be much more expensive because of international shipping fees.

Please try to find an agent in your country on the list below first.
You may be able to get Qactus at a cheaper price.

If there is no agent in your area on the list, it will be better if you get Qactus on AMAZON.CO.JP even though it's a bit expensive.

People in other countries may want this product because Qactus and the material for Qactus called "QactusCore"' are in the English language.

Unfortunately, we do not directly ship to individual customers overseas because AMAZON.CO.JP will be more convenient for you.

But if you are going to order more than 10 Qactus, we will give it to you at a wholesale price. This means you can be an agent and sell Qactus in your area.

We would very much appreciate it because many people in your area will have the opportunity to get Qactus at a cheaper price than that on AMAZON.CO.JP.

Please contact us if you are interested.

Best regards,

Hiroki Kiribayashi (CEO)
Quiree Co., Ltd.
Tokyo, Japan

Here you can download the brochure [pdf]




If you live in one of these counties, then we may have retailers carrying Qactus already.

    South America
  • We are now seeking agents

  • We are now seeking agents

  • We are now seeking agents

  • We are now seeking agents

Shopping Guide


First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Order Quantity *
Address for shipping *
Country *
Zip *
Would you want to put your WEBSITE URL as an AGENT into the list of THE QACTUS WEBSITE? *
- Please fill out more if you do not mind-
How did you know about Qactus?:
What is Qactus for?:
Have you ever played guitar?:
What is your favorite music?:
Please feel free to message us: -Thank you for your cooperation!-


Shopping Guide


If you are unable to effect payment within seven days, your order will be forfeited. We will process the item only as soon as payment is confirmed.
Credit card payments are made through PayPal. You can complete your payment by going to the PayPal website and filling out the online transfer form. (Please refer to our invoice for details.)
Please note that we do not refund payments for reasons of security.
Rest assured that your credit card and personal details will remain confidential.
We will process the product after payment is confirmed.



    Distance of delivery and the quantity of items affect the shipping cost. Please refer to the chart below.


    We entrust our deliveries to Japan Post.
    After confirmation of payment, delivery arrangements will ensue within two days. Shipping and delivery will be entrusted to Japan Post (JP), which will send a confirmation email to you regarding the status of delivery. JP’s online tracker allows you to track your item.


    We will process the product as soon as we confirm your payment. Delivery arrangements will ensue within two days.


    Only defective products will be granted return and exchange. However, the following are not deemed to constitute defect:
    ※ Slight differences in color between the actual item and its pictures on the website
    ※ Mistaken size perception between the actual item and its pictures on the website
    ※ Mistaken placing of order due to some technical errors or mis-clicks
    ※ Damages on the product which occurred after delivery


    For exchange concerns, please fill out this form



  • We will send you emails via "".
  • Any loss or damage caused by the product due to mishandling or improper use shall not held the company liable.
