マリーゴールド / あいみょん(★☆☆)
Marry Gold / Aimyon
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Qactus should be on 2fret
Qactusを 2フレット に装着

If you absolutely want to perform in the same key as the original source, you can achieve this by attaching the capo at the "7th fret" and the "Qactus" at the "9th fret," with no changes to the chord shapes. However, this might make playing considerably more difficult due to the reduced fret spacing and increased tension on the strings. So, in the early stages of your guitar journey, focus on finger exercises and temporarily set aside the issue of the key.

As you progress and continue to practice, you'll eventually be able to change chords swiftly and seamlessly, regardless of the key. So, let's overcome the first step as soon as possible!
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Total Music
transpose: -5
shape key: G
the practical key is A
It's not the same key between the sound you make and that in your mind because of the Qactus
「歌詞&コード」サイト側の設定は -5 です
演奏する時の頭の中のキーは G です
結果、奏でられるそのキーは A になります
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this videos is on the key of D
playing with the video is impossible
参考音源の楽曲キーは D なので
参考音源に合わせて演奏 できません
Q-sai has more
The "on" symbol, also known as the so-called "on chord," occasionally makes an appearance, but it's not yet important for beginners battling guitar frustration. So, you can safely ignore the "on" symbol and what's to its right. Once you've become capable of changing chords smoothly, please consider taking an interest in "on chords."

On the other hand, you have the freedom to choose your playing style, but if you're a beginner who has no idea where to start, how about trying this strumming pattern for starters → Link to a YouTube video. If you find this approach too gentle, here's a way to play similar to Aimyon (it's a slower tempo, so practice it thoroughly before aiming for the original speed) → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC909IYGBFU

Once you can enjoy playing and singing, don't settle for your current level. Aim to graduate from Qactus by striving for a "1upStage" → http://qactus.jp/blog/archives/1875

一方、弾き方は自由で良いと思いますが、どうすればよいかさっぱり分からないビギナーはひとまずこんなストロークでどうでしょう→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC909IYGBFU
これが生ぬるいと感じた人、あいみょんと同じ弾き方はこちら(だいぶ遅めのテンポなので、しっかり練習してからオリジナルの早さを目指してください)→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n6iDrzS-hM

楽しく弾き語りできたら、現状に満足せず早速「1upStage」でQactus卒業を目指そう!→ http://qactus.jp/blog/archives/1875
finger no.

1upStage ワンアップ・ステージ

Trial-16 トライアル-16
